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Biography is the journey so far, a circumnavigation that has led me to mature some ideas and change others. But not the risky manias such as writing live as I am doing now taking all the risks. Keeping everything around me in a precarious balance helps me to spy on destiny in order to grasp, and not necessarily understand, its secrets. I am so habitual that I change habits all the time as one is not enough for me. I have so many that I cannot keep up with them all. I do not believe in ghosts, so not even in God, but I suspect that they believe in me. I feel watched in everything I do. I practise telepathy on a daily basis without proof that it works, but I continue to do so. In professional terms, my work lies between the disciplines, that is, it does not mix them, it avoids them altogether. I act in that void that separates them where one rule does not yet apply and neither does the other. I inhabit the gaps, in that no man’s land I feel free more than ever. I know that it would be better to be capable of freedom within the rules precisely in governing them to the point of not being constraining, but this is not my case. To be blunt, I set myself tailor-made rules that I can disregard without anyone resenting them. And good night.

IABI is a synthetic name that stands for Jacopo Leone, which is me. An incipit in homage to at least four people at once (if we consider an island a person).